Friday 13 August 2010

Cell Phone Plans Are Worthless Unless You Have a Plan to Use Your Cell Phone Hands-Free By Lance Winslow Platinum Quality Author

We've all been warned that we can no longer talk on the cell phone, or do text messaging on our smart phone while we drive. Most states now have laws against this. Unfortunately a new research study seems to indicate that the bans on cell phone and smartphone usage while driving hasn't really reduce the number of crashes. We all know that is very difficult to text while driving and it is very hard to avoid a swerving vehicle when a driver is driving poorly because they are also on their cell phone at the same time.
So, researchers want to know how come these laws haven't reduced the number of deaths and accidents since the cell phone laws have gone into effect. There are a number of reasons for this I suppose, and I'd like to discuss some of my theories with you, because perhaps you have noticed or experienced some of the same things I have.
Just the other day, I was behind an individual who was driving his pickup truck while he was text messaging. I know this because I was sitting at an intersection waiting to make a right-hand turn as he came through, and I could clearly see he was text messaging. After I pulled out I noticed he was going about 10 miles an hour slower than the rest of traffic, since I have a little sports car, I downshifted and passed him very quickly.
After passing him, I looked in my rearview mirror and noticed that he was not driving in his lane very well and had crossed over the line on both sides several times within less than a half a mile. As I came up to a stop sign, I stopped very quickly and accelerated, because I was worried he might rear end me. My strategy worked, and there was a police officer who noted I made a complete stop, albeit a quick one, and accelerated away.
Luckily, he saw the person text messaging and pulled him over for a ticket. I imagine he'd shoot the guy out, and I imagine that ticket ran him more than $350. Perhaps, the reason that we have not prevented more deaths or accidents is because people are being more sneaky as they do their text messaging and hold their text messaging smart phones lower where no one can see them do it.
Indeed, I have a problem with this because I'd rather have been text messaging while they had it on the top of the steering wheel so they could look out rather than looking below them and text messaging so they can hide, so no one else will see them. Yes, I'd rather they didn't do it at all, but if they are going to, I wish they'd be more careful and prudent.
I don't know about you - or how many people you've watched talking on their cell phone while driving at the same time but I see that people are pretty much ignoring the law. I see this every time I drive. In California people avoided putting on her seatbelt after they changed that law in many people still do not wear a seatbelt. I imagine that the same thing is happening with cell phone usage while driving.
When the Highway Patrol in California's media department was asked about this study they believed that it was somewhat irresponsible for anyone to suggest that the ban on text messaging and cell phone use while driving wasn't prudent, or didn't save lives.
Other studies show that even hands-free units, don't always help much, because many people get very involved in their conversations, they are still doing two things at once even if their hands are on the steering wheel. Perhaps, you can understand that point. The reality is that the human brain is not very good at multitasking, even though our current generation is getting quite good at doing multiple things and running equipment at the same time.
Part of the reason people are good at doing two things at once is because they have to, but not everyone is all that good at it. So far some 19 states have laws against texting while driving, and even the U.S. Congress may someday pass laws that make it a federal rule. In any case, it's just as important to have a plan on your personal communicative strategies, as it is to get the best plan for your smart phone or cell phone.
You may think you are saving money by skipping a hands-free unit for your car, but I assure you if you get in a big accident you could be sued for lots of money and your insurance will skyrocket. Hands-free cell phone accessories don't cost much, and they can save you a lot of money in the end. Indeed, I hope you will please consider this, and not become a statistic.